Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Time to change

50 years - The passing of 1st generation supporters, assuming present ideals are enforced by core supporters aged 30 years or more. This represents the group upholding the status quo who, minds already set, will not give up their ideals under any circumstances, but may sell out their principles for enough money.

60 years - The passing of supporters of the previous generation's ideals. These are today's kids aged 10 years and less. They are conditioned to carry on present ideals albeit in diluted form. The biggest reason to continue the tradition - that's the way of the forefathers and that's how it should be.

8 years - Transition period where old ideals are demolished and new ones built. 4 for internal struggle and remorse, 4 for acceptance.

Total time to completely change beliefs by attrition: 50 + 60 + 8 = 118 years.

This is the time it will take, in earth years, to effect visible change in society.

This applies to lifestyle, culture, political ideology, and any social institution you can think of with the exception of religion.

My theory anyway.

One thing arising from this.

Every institution hails the words of its forefathers as holy, immutable and carved in stone.

People seem incapable of believing that the forefathers may have actually been mistaken, ill-advised or short-sighted when they created an ideal. The freedom to bear arms as guaranteed in the US constitution is an ideal which was necessary during the Civil War era but in the 21st century have brought more pain to grieving families than ease of mind.

By making the words of forefathers inviolable, man has elevated man to the status of gods. No, higher than gods. You can violate the 10 commandments but you cannot violate the constitution of a country.

My thoughts go to yesterday's victims of the shootings in Alabama and Winnenden, Germany.


Anonymous March 14, 2009 at 12:32 PM  

People seem incapable of believing that the forefathers may have actually been mistaken, ill-advised or short-sighted when they created an ideal.

Well, at least the road was paved and many people would make the same mistake before. so they take comfort in knowing that they're not the only ones LOL!

You can violate the 10 commandments but you cannot violate the constitution of a country.

well, not everybody believes in religion, but everyone is a part of a country. moralities... can be hidden you know heheheheh..


Damien Tan March 16, 2009 at 8:44 AM  

Hey Xen,

Yes the road was paved, although whether it leads to heaven or hell depends on where you are in the food chain I guess.

Yes, even an atheist is subject to commandment-like laws like thou shalt not kill which correlates to murder. The thing is, people steal and kill every day and no one bats an eyelid but touch the constitution and you'll see riots.

I am especially puzzled at the US constitution that guarantees the right to bear arms which has made it one of the most violent societies ever. And yet when a shooting breaks out like the one in Alabama, everyone suddenly starts asking "why?" Duh...

Anonymous March 16, 2009 at 11:58 AM  

I am especially puzzled at the US constitution that guarantees the right to bear arms which has made it one of the most violent societies ever. And yet when a shooting breaks out like the one in Alabama, everyone suddenly starts asking "why?" Duh...

well it's the same with knives too. but of cause, technology advances so guns reaches more people than the blade. I think there was a case sometime ago that there was a guy in japan that went on a killing/slashing rampage. was it knives? it's more towards mentality or state of mind. i think it's pretty easy to go off balance these days...

Damien Tan March 17, 2009 at 9:26 AM  

One thing you can't do with a knife is mow down 20 people per minute while hidden behind some window. Its sad to see kids as young as 6 or 7 taking their daddy's guns and shooting their moms or siblings dead but that is the price people are willing to pay for the freedom to bear arms I guess.

Talking about off balance, yeah do you notice these shootings are happening about once a week in the US, and I mean shootings that wipe out entire families. They can't seem to be take stress very well.

Anonymous March 17, 2009 at 12:13 PM  

yeah, and then people now all seem t have the mentality: I'll kill them then i'll kill myself.

They cant take stress and dont take responsibility. There is a case in singapore that left me wondering how were we brought up. Now people dont like to take responsbility and then they call their lawyers. Turning black to White.

This guy was driving along the expressway and there was an erp gantry. He suddenly jammed on the brakes and the lady on the motorbike crashed into him. They went to court and then he kept saying that it wasnt his fault and all. The car was rented he forgot to put in his cashcard. The insurance was claiming damage to the car he rented. He pushed it to the lady because she was the one who dented it. It was because of him that she crashed into it and sustained sever injuries. He had a nonchalant attuitude and a total lack o rsponsibility. and of cause he gets his lawyer to change things about. just because people can talk their way out they wont bear responsibility. how are our kids going to turn out?

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