Love and other disasters Part 2
If you'd like to read Part 1, go here. Part 1 is for those who prefer to keep life "positive." Part 2 deals with the darker side of the topic.
As I said in Part 1, if you are a talkative dude or dudette, you'll naturally gravitate towards a companion who's a listener, or someone who you think can be persuaded to become a listener. Similarly, if you can't speak to save your life, you'll find comfort in a friend who can speak his mind.
People seem to have this radar that seeks out people who complement their own behavior, people with the "chemistry." These are clues why I think people are wired to do a balancing act.
Maybe that's what the yin-yang theory is trying to tell us. We instinctively know that one dominant attribute without a counter-balancing one is bad for us so we are quick to pal up with someone who will make us feel whole. Nothing bad about that in my opinion.
But everything has a bright and dark side and in this instance, the dark side emerges for unfortunate people who grew up in abusive conditions. A spouse beater ala the Rihanna-Chris Brown affair for example. Brown apparently grew up to see his mother suffer in the hands of his abusive father and somehow felt it was okay to beat the crap out of his girlfriend.
I won't comment on Chris Brown but if you've ever been pissed at someone at work or wherever because of their sadistic tendencies, you could be staring at exactly that - a person who's trying to do a balancing act. As a sadist, he or she needs to find a willing victim to play his/her role in order to feel whole.
It takes two to tango so there's always the willing complementary player. When a person grows up being told, "I beat you because I love you," then as an adult he/she may find himself gravitating towards an oppressive employer or spouse to nip that empty feeling. They just can't help but seek that relationship - bizzarre as it sounds - to feel whole too.
This is what I call the Tom and Jerry relationship. It's grotesque but Tom can't be Tom without Jerry, and Jerry can't be Jerry without Tom. They came together for a reason.
So in the same manner, battered spouses will always go back to their tormentors. Bullied employees will keep finding oppressive bosses to work for despite all the complaining. They are like magnets attracted to each other.