How to make a magic spell
Some time ago I had a chance to hang out with some guys and we somehow got down to talking about magic spells.
Now just because I grew up in the west, it doesn't mean I can't sit down and have a listen to this fascinating world of voodoo. I mean, how many times have we heard Harry Potter say Expecto Patronum.
But over here, unlike Harry Potter, for the right amount of money you can have all kinds of spells made out for you. There are spells that will protect you from bodily harm, from ghosts and spirits, from theives, and from bad people. There are spells to enhance your financial luck, make the rain fall and make you irresistable to the opposite sex. And then there are spells to break spells.
The wonderful thing about spells is in how they are a lot like feng shui. If it works, you are awed by the maker of the spell. If it doesn't, its not the spell. Its you. And I don't think they give refunds.
I asked one of them named Thom if its possible to cast a spell on someone in New York or have its protective effects follow a Muggle like me there. It'll be so cool to be able to walk around the Bronx and not worry about being mugged, I thought.
He wasn't sure if it could be done but quickly qualified that if the shaman was powerful enough, why not.
It was a fun conversation, very educational. If I was a local with lots of moolah, I tell ya I might just be tempted to order the Saturday night special myself: a cocktail spell to protect me from everything, win me the lottery and turn me into a chick magnet. Oh, life would be perfect.
That night, a thought struck my Muggle mind. Why can't I just make my own spells? So after some more thought, here's what I have in mind.
Protection from ghosts and spirits
The spell: A torchlight
How it works: Everyone knows ghosts are afraid of anything brighter than a birthday candle. If you don't have a torch, the remote control for the ceiling lights will do. But torches, being heavier, are preferred because you can throw it at the ghost if it comes too near.
Protection from financial problems
The spell: Contentment.
How it works: If I could knock some sense into myself and say so what if I don't have the latest iPhone, I will not be suckered into 3-year cellphone operator contract or run a credit card debt and skimp on my meals for the next one year just to pay off the debt.
Protection from legal problems
The spell: Truth.
How it works: If I don't tell lies, not evade taxes, and pay my obligations on time, I will cause no reason for anyone to come after me.
Protection from diseases and bodily harm
The spell: Moderation.
How it works: If I stop eating unhealthy food, smoking weed, and chugging down half a bottle a day, I will not create causes for diseases to set in. And if I don't show off my wealth, thieves will find me extremely uninteresting.
Chick magnet spell
The spell: Money.
How it works: Even if I look like something the cat dragged in, with enough money in the bank, I can be surrounded by hoes of my choice 24-7.
Now here's the best part. These protections are absolutely free (except for the chick magnet bit and maybe the torchlight) and I'm pretty sure their effects will follow me wherever I go, even to New York.
And you need not depend on faith for it to work either. You can actually see it working for yourself. Keep credit card in pocket when you shop and tadaa.... see no bill coming at end of month. How's that for protection against financial problems. ^_^
So who says only Harry Potter can do magic.
"I might just be tempted to order the Saturday night special myself"LOL you're so funny and cute! Saturday night special indeed!
Oh you know I was doing alittle poking about with my friend because she wanted to change her luck and we were sourcing for people who could zhuan yun for her. Then along the way, there was were people who gave advice, cos we were seeking it, saying that it's like taking luck from the future of your life and changing with it now. So it's like on credit thing. It brings to mind that there is nothing free.
So you pay for it using money. =\ I dont know, but I've liked to be independent on this topic because I dont dabble in something that is so much wiser than me and get cheated. I'm a very gullible person =\ At least I know that point and do some research first. Anyway, speaking of spells, because I am catholic, so I believe in God. Spells to me, give off a bad vibe. Once you're into it, it'll attract...hmmm unwanted attention... that you dont know how to handle. That's for me, so I believe in God and pray and he'll keep me safe. But, hehehehe, if i had your chance, I'd listen too. ;P
But I think your spells are pretty safe. I'll try them. Damien's spells are safe and friendly. :D That I know. XD
Creating good luck now means depleting your future stock of good luck? That's the first time I've heard of it. I like the Buddhist version better because you get to create your own good luck (and bad). We reap as we sow and if we sow endlessly, we also reap endlessly.
That gives you a hint of how much I believe in pay per charm. ^_^
NY is my US 3rd home, after San Fran & Chicago. Family ties. You're a bit of a transnational too aren't you.
Transnational? :O LOL!!! I wish, but no I'm not. All solely based in just Singapore. ( Yes, I know I stated Zimbabwe in multiply just for laughs ;) )
It's the zhuan yun. It's like a change of luck, not creating good luck cos they said that if your lck is good and you zhuan yun then you're luck will turn bad and if it's neutral, it's just stay neutral... You have to go to a medium to do that... That's what I gathered poking about with a friend =\
I do believe in the reap as you sow logic. Just like karma. LOL!
Well, I would love to travel, but since nobody travels in my family except to M'sia and other neighbouring countries in YEARS, I really have no idea and guts to do it. But however, I'm going to do it no matter how scary it's going to be. The DOM travels ALL THE DAMN TIME. For work... LOL! He can just travel without knowing where he is going. That's so scary. I guess one can get used to it.
Singapore's so safe you can walk home though a dark alley at 3am in the morn and then go straight to bed, so stories told about being mugged abroad is horror. But of cause you have self defence. LOL! That is always good to have.
Well, I think a couple more years in Singapore then I'll travel abit ;) You're lucky, you have houses in a few places ;)
Ah, seriously? All this while I imagined you as some kind of Obama, LOL. No matter.
Actually I only have one house, on the west coast. The others are like a brother and a couple of aunts.
Yeah I know Sg is safe. I've walked around quite a bit after hours. If you feel the hairs on your back rising, easy. Just hail a cab! LOL...
You people that believe this are insane God is the healer he gives you love when he knows when it is best he doesnt use magic, you just have to believe dont listen to some hipycrit that says they will put some spell on ou.
cure of black magic
Thanks a lot it is a great support, now to make a magic spell is definitely easy utilizing your tips. Thank you
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