Thursday, July 9, 2009

Current affairs

I dislike politics because after following the last US elections closely, I've come to generalize politics (maybe unfairly) into one sentence.

May the best liar win.

What I read from Iran and Italy recently merely strengthened this.

But to those who want change and didn't get it through the voting process, let me ask you one question. Who do you think is the problem - the politician or the people who voted him in?

Of course its the politician you might say. Stupid question. However everyone ignores the 800-pound gorilla in the room, the 60% of the people who voted the scoundrel in.

Okay, lets say 20% of the vote was rigged as is the usual complaint. Still, that means 4 out of 10 people are honestly convinced that this openly corrupt, lying, even murderous scumbag is the right leader for them.

Don't you get the shivers if you knew that every other person standing around you support an openly sick psychopath?

I know that's how some people felt when America voted in G W Bush not once but twice as president, after proving himself not once but many times to be one of the most incompetent leaders in its history. I am seeing a resurgence of that in ex-Gov Sarah Palin, a clueless but pretty airhead who've created a fan base of horny Republican males who might just succeed in pushing her to be US President in 2012.

Now statistically, to have 5% of a country's population be fanboys of a famously incompetent leader is normal. The same no. of people are inclined to scrawl "Mickey Mouse" on the ballot paper and put a tick there anyway. But to get 50-60% support for an openly sick or retarded bastard?

Something's not right here. Either the people who support him are also sick bastards or the bastard is not as sick as the press makes him out to be.

And that's the thing I dislike most about politics. You can be served many versions of the truth but you can never get the real truth.

Or maybe, there's no such thing as truth and that politics is a battle of perception, not the truth.

I like what my friends say. Forget politics, its more fun to download porn.

Hmmm. Maybe they have a point.


Xendis July 9, 2009 at 1:09 PM  

I was asking an American about Bush. It was about why people chose Bush. Can't remember what he said but I remembered this. "It's about choosing the lesser of two evils."

I don't know politics and perhaps I should to know more about a country. But I have no inclination. =\\

And yes. It's more fun to download porn/movies LOL! I SECOND/THIRD/FOURTH that!!

gapnap July 9, 2009 at 2:35 PM  

you go to lowyat plaza , you bought a 2GB SD card for RM100 . You went home and log on to and you found out people are selling the same shit for only RM38 . You got conned !

Whose fault is it ?
The seller for conning you , or your fault for not doing research ? (of course both , but which one carries more weight?)

Damien Tan July 12, 2009 at 1:36 PM  


Yea I heard about the lesser of 2 evils argument too. But its still evil and they're paying a huge price for it now in the form of a crippling recession.


Easy. Not doing homework before you buy carries the heavier weight. Always check before you jump into the pool!

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