Don't avoid. Neutralize.
I don't read newspapers because I feel that papers focus too much on bad news. Murders, snatch thefts, politics, that kind of thing. Like most people, I prefer to keep my mind positive and happy. I believe your state of mind determines who you are.
So like most people, I've adopted the strategy of avoiding bad news. Yeah, avoiding. Pretending not to see. Looking the other way while whistling innocently. Its works most times. In the movies, I clench my eyes shut when someone is about to get gored. I shun newspapers so those horrible stories won't reach my young impressionable mind.
Except that these things pop up everywhere I go. Even on the internet. Especially on the internet. Against my better judgement, I recently read about a young woman in the US who, so incensed at a kitten that was stratching her door, shoved it into an oven and baked it to a crisp, alive. This morning I read about how 3 young men in England took a fawn (a newly born deer) and happily stomped in to death.
I'm not even going to get into the horrors of mothers killing their own babies (at least half a dozen cases in the last 3 weeks alone), children killing their own parents, and an assortment of other things that men to to each other. And these are all in "civilized" countries mind you. Notably America and Europe.
In America, the standard defense for such things is always the same. Ladies and gentlemen, this man is not a criminal. He is a victim. A victim of a materialistic, gun-loving society that has gone out of control. Society drove him to it. Society made him feel angry, guilty, whatever. It is society's fault.
Hehe. I dunno man. If people buy that shit, then they will also hold god responsible for any crime. Man is egged by society to commit a crime. Society is nature's way of group survival via a collective. God created nature. Therefore, god is the root source, the real culprit behind every screwup on earth. They had better prepare a big cell. A very, very big cell.
Anyway, coming back to this thing about keeping my mind free, happy and delightful by avoiding bad news which is everyone's favorite technique. I am realizing that it doesn't work. Avoiding my way to happiness I mean.
When I'm with happy people, I think of 3 possibilities.
- They's really happy. They have no problems at all.
- They're letting their happy feelings override their no-so-happy feelings.
- They're totally miserable but pretend to be happy lest their friends run away from them.
Welcome to planet earth. ^_^
No, I'm not suggesting that we go around under a cloud of doom and gloom whenever we chance upon bad news. Even I would avoid such people, hehe. ^_^ I happen to think there's a much better way to handle life's truths, and that is to learn to accept bad news as something normal and nothing to be too upset about. For me, the phrase "this too shall pass" is a useful weapon to neutralize any news, no matter how bad.
And that's my point. Instead of finding ways to avoid, learn to neutralize. Don't be angry. Neutralize. Don't be hateful. Neutralize. Don't be sad. Neutralize.
How to neutralize? By looking at something bravely in the eye and telling yourself any one of these things. Nothing is forever. This too shall pass. What goes around comes around. This is night but there will be day eventually. Let go.
I do take one extra step though. I try to understand why bad things happen. The answer depends on what you believe I guess, whether its the devil, karma, or the great juju under the sea. If I had to take a stand, I would say karma makes the most sense to me at this point, because of its close proximity to the law of physics. If you've heard of F = ma, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, you'll understand what I mean.
So what does accepting and neutralizing do for you? It makes you a happier person I think. Genuinely happy, not delusionally happy. (BIG diff there. One liberates you. The other grows you into a cranky old man or woman.) You spend less energy pretending. You come across to everyone as more honest and genuine. You accept that no matter how bad things are, the sun will always come up the next day.
So, be cool, be well and be happy.
well , i guess it is easy to go "this too shall pass" at our age ..
what do you think about the future ?
when we have wife and kids , and more commitment ..when something bad happens to them ..
isn't it really tough to go , "this too shall pass" ..
any thoughts ?
Lots of inner strength and power are required to "neutralize". Very tough job unless one can go forgo relationships and friends. It is just like a skill that require training not to receive or take sorrow.
Lots of inner strength and power are required to "neutralize". Very tough job unless one can go forgo relationships and friends. It is just like a skill that require training not to receive or take sorrow.
You ask a good question bro, can we really say this too shall pass when we have our commitments. My answer, not if you are the run of the mill young man who aspires to have a lot of money, a wife, 2.4 children and nightly drinking sessions. That describes about 90% of all guys I know. A person of ordinary strength cannot be expected to carry extraordinary weight and not collapse.
My approach is simple - prevention. If I cut down on making screwed up choices like having more liabilities than I can deal with, I don't even have to worry about saying "this too shall pass." Question is, how do I know what's screwed up and what's not.
Well, that is why I take the trouble to try and understand the law of cause and effect, human nature, stuff like that. I learn through observation and old lessons on how things can come back and bite me. I also do some mental training on equanimity. It helps me keep a cool and compassionate mind. A cool mind stands a better chance at spotting if I am about to make a stupid mistake. A compassionate mind allows me to smile even if I do.
One of the practical wisdoms I learnt in martial arts is how to overcome an impediment with very little force. What appears tough may not always be so tough. I accept that friendships and relationships come and go. Its not that I don't treasure it. I just learn to live with the moment. As I said, if you know how to hold it, its not that tough. When people are happy, I am happy. When its time to go I say thanks, I had a whale of a time. A compassionate mind understands. It doesn't struggle. So I try not to force it one way or the other. Force, as you know, can only lead to sorrow.
Dear Damien,
Great post on letting go. A simple enough concept that's almost impossible to perfect.
Surprisingly, I find myself clinging more tightly to the 'dung' whereas I should be leaving it where it is.
Equanimity is indeed close to an enlightened state of mind. A little of more of the present and less of the past and/or future would do everyone a whole lot of good.
About F = ma I think i might have a theory about feelings. It's a capability of emotion. It's like how sad you get = how happy you can get. Like a person get get very happy, so he can get very depressive as well. Like a sine graph.
Hey dude, good to hear from you again. ^_^
Sometimes you have to get close enough to the dung to appreciate it for what it is and consequently make it possible let go. The Buddhist contemplation on the rotting corpse is one such method.
If you're talking about mood swings, yes I can see that altho personally I got this phobia about roller coasters, at the theme park and in my mind. Equanimity is a trained ability to flatten the sine curve, not by removing emotion but by understanding it. Its useful when everyone's in panic and you're the only cool cucumber around.
Then that way, you should come along when...
OH YEAH! IM A HOLY GIRL!!! XD WHY?!? cos I went for an accupuncture!!! WAHAHAHA
I need to get something like accupunture done. Omg it was nerve wercking. Anything under the skin for me is.. SCARY. The Equanimity should do me some good =\. Oh yeah, btw, do you live in KL or know anything good about KL?
Hey Xen,
Yeah I'm based in KL now due to my business here. I spend every other weekend in Singapore where my parents are.
Ah you mean you're a HOLEY girl and they stuck pins in you like a voodoo doll. You're brave. Needles freak me out, hehe.
Ahhh Damien, I was... errr... cajoled to... =\ It's supposed to do me some good and relief my numb head. Yeah Numbskull am I. LOL! It's like he stuck it in, and ADJUSTED IT!!! ARGGGGG!!
How's the economy in KL? I heard that it wasn't hit too hard by the recession.
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