How long would you like to live until?
I've been noticing something for a while now. People who don't believe in rebirth seem to be terrified of death (= want to live forever?) whereas those who believe in rebirth seem to have a more casual attitude towards it. If they check out tomorrow, no big deal. They will come back in some shape or form, or so they believe.
I admit I belong to the latter category. Yes it could be a completely false belief because I've never personally known anyone who remembers who they were in a previous life. I don't remember what or who I was myself. Now, being science trained, I know that simply believing in something doesn't make it true so I've accepted that such things are wagers we make based on personal faith. I base my acceptance on what I perceive to be logical which may be completely illogical to another person, hehe.
So back to the question. How long would I like to live until if I had a choice? My mathematical answer would be t1 + t2.
Let me explain.
t1 would be the amount of time I need to fulfill my material obligations to my dependents. If I am taking care of a sick sibling because I have the resources, the day that my sibling is cured and able to carry out a normal life on his own would be my t1.
t2 is a random number, also denoting time. It can be 10 seconds or a 100 years. It doesn't really matter.
In plain english, what it means is that after I have fulfilled my material responsibilities to my loved ones, it doesn't really bother me when I check out. What's important is that after I'm gone, I don't leave them homeless or starving.
I specified material obligations because non-material needs (= emotional + spiritual) can be impossible to satisfy even if people live forever. Material obligations are a more practical goal. You can only eat so much before you are full, or occupy so much space before a home becomes frighteningly large and unmanageable.
And there's another thing I notice about those who believe in rebirth and those who don't. People who understand the rebirth process don't find death a macabre subject. They can talk about it like they're talking about making tea or coffee, which is my state of mind as I write this. But people who believe this life as the one and only one they have will find this subject taboo.
What about people who think that talking about death is "bad luck?" Kinda hilarious actually, but I do understand how superstition can be a comforting force and have got nothing against it.
How did this topic come up? Well, I just paid my annual insurance premium. Lets just say I had a fun time chatting with my agent. ^_^
Well, for me, I hope that I wont get rebirth really. OMG just look at the world! Unless you're born rich rich RICHH which is a small probability. Rich because the wealthier you are, you get to enjoy life more than those who don't plainly because you can have more things, more exposure of your choice basically and generally. Ok, not RICH but enough financially. The wealth gap is widening anyway, the earth dying, and people more whimsy. If rebirth is on the artinery it is a curse.
But I'm catholic so my belief is different. We have eternal life with God in Heaven. I don't know if it's really eternal life as long as I'm not coming back here on earth.... =\\
Of cause still, I would like to do whatever I want to do, make surrounding people happy and all. Then of cause most people wouldnt mind checking out then.
Just asking, were you born buddist or just like the buddist teaching?
How I wish there is a choice to live until. I do not know whether it is true or not, my spiritual teaching taught me I am soul. The soul is an energy and is infinite. My body is like the car, driven by the soul. Body is perishable.
While still living in this body I am encouraged to have healthy diet, practise good value (am a struggling effort maker) so that in the next life I shall have a higher status than my present being. Besides, the causes of death also have connection eg a more peaceful death. (Just sharing only, yet to verify). Sounds like the world is a stage and we are all actors (Shakespeare?)
@Xen,Not coming back on earth? That's a great choice! I prefer the planet Endor myself. And coming back as a 10 foot wookie, LOL.
I think I was born agnostic. Buddhism just happened from my study of martial arts and later, from my study of physics and astronomy. So you could say it crept up on me.
@Eagle,Welcome to my other blog. ^_^
Yeah, we're all driving down the road based on someone's directions, not knowing whether it'll really take us home or we'll fall into the sea.
Some say live each day as if it were our last. Truthfully I'd love to eat all the durians I can get my hands on if its my last day. But will it be a good idea if I had to repeat it tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after?
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