Tuesday, October 28, 2008


A fruit seller decides to stop at a highway layby for a rest.

A stranger comes along and offers to buy a dozen fruits.

As he drives to the next city, he finds one overripe fruit and tosses it into the dustbin.

The garbageman takes the garbage to a landfill.

A bird comes along and pecks on the fruit.

It flies over a field the next day and passes out the indigestable fruit seeds.

A fruit seed germinates and grows into a fruit plant.

The fruit plant, rare in that area, attracts some nearby residents who like the fruit.

One of the residents hit on a bright idea and thinks he can make money by farming the fruit.

3 years later, his fruit farm turns into a thriving business that attracts tourists.

The tourists attract hawkers, coffee shops, a bus station.

10 years later, what was once a barren field is now a busy commercial center with housing villas, schools and shopping centers.

Nobody knows what every seed, thought, or action might lead to.

We seem to be products of chance.

The realities of the world seems random.


Hwei Cheng October 29, 2008 at 4:44 AM  

Aaaaahhhh... it is nice reading Damien's Other Blog with a cup of hot coffee when it is still early and drizzling out there. =)


The hidden end results of every action we take is what create the spices in life! I love surprises. =D

Damien Tan October 30, 2008 at 7:28 AM  

Good morning to you too.

I first thought about this as I was driving thru the Wyoming wilderness. Seeing the little bitty towns that seem to grow out of nowhere, you start thinking hmmm.... where did these come from.

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