Sunday, March 1, 2009

60 seconds to zero

In the 80's, the sudden death syndrome killed more than 200 people in Singapore. That's according to National Geographic.

The electronics that drove their hearts simply shut down, leaving healthy young people suddenly lifeless.

It happens every day. Checking out unplanned, I mean. Ironic that the greatest certainty of life is also its greatest mystery. In spite of all our technology, death remains a subject of superstition.

But happen it does. A plane crash, a mortal wound, terminal cancer. Of knowing that the time has come for you to move on.

How will that final minute feel?

Yeah I know, the fear of death is many times worse than death itself.

Its also been said by NDE survivors that the end of life is not horrifying. In fact it was a comforting, warm feeling.

Maybe it depends on what your beliefs are and to some extent, what horror movies you've seen.

Not that physics will bend itself to accomodate what you believe and set the stage accordingly.

But whether you are smiling or trembling fearfully at the departure gate... I think that's gonna be determined by what you believe.

So all the more reason why its very, very important to be careful of what we choose to believe in.

Because what we believe in will set us up for that most important moment in our lives. Not our first job, not our first love, and not our first child, but our final 60 seconds.


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